Akshay Khare

Hi! Welcome to my personal homepage.


I am a Machine Learning Engineer at Maverick Quantum (mavQ), working on interesting problems in the domain of Computer Vision and Deep Learning. Presently, I am building a Document AI system that involves designing and training state-of-the-art transformer based deep learning architectures for information extraction from documents. Earlier, I had worked extensively in sports analytics on use cases ranging from object detection and tracking to pose estimation and event detection.

Prior to this, I graduated from IIT Madras in July 2020 with an integrated dual degree (Bachelors and Masters) in Engineering and Data Science, where I was a silver medalist, ranked first among my undergraduate department cohort. I was supervised by Prof. Harish Guruprasad from the Department of Computer Science, IIT Madras for my masters thesis on developing novel approaches for domain adaptation, particularly for machine learning problems involving label-dependent distribution shift. I was also fortunate to work as a research intern with Prof. Philip Scarf on statistical modelling in sports in the summer of 2019 at University of Salford, UK.

If you have any questions or opportunities for collaboration, please feel free to send me an email!

Email: akshaykhare@alumni.iitm.ac.in